Translators Associations North America: ATA
Be one of the speakers at ATA's annual conference
The deadline for translators associations, translation companies and freelance professionals to send their proposals of presentations for the 53rd annual conference of the American Translators Association (ATA) is on the 12th March.
The most important translation association in the USA is accepting suggestions for the event taking place in San Diego, California, between the 24th and the 27th October.
This very important event promotes professional development of translators and interpreters. It usually includes over 150 pedagogical sessions, including a selection of 3 hour seminars, which give a thorough insight on the themes that precede the conference itself.
It is possible to accompany the sessions of this annual conference in over a dozen languages. The addressed issues concern several specializations.
Speakers from all over the world as well as volunteers share their experience and expertise with the participants. They are active translators and interpreters, many of them also educators, lawyers, doctors, CEO’s and managers.
To be a speaker at ATA’s annual conference is both a challenge and an opportunity. All proposals received by the American Translators Association will afterwards be selected using a competitive review process by peers.
In case your suggestion is accepted, amongst other benefits, you’ll get a discount when you sign up for the conference. You can find the form to submit your proposal on ATA’s website, as well as tips on how to make your presentation suggestion a winning proposal.
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