Translators Associations Europe: ATC
One of the oldest associations representing translation companies in the world
The Association of Translation Companies (ATC) exists since 1976 and was formed by a group of leading translation companies in Britain.
It is a founding member of the European Union of Associations of Translation Companies (EUATC) – a pan European grouping of translation company associations – and one of the oldest association of its kind in the world.
Nowadays, this translation association attracts members from all around the world.
Whether you are a translator, own a translation agency or represent a translators association, if you are seeking to source translations, you will find that the Association of Translation Companies will help you with impartiality.
To become a member of the ATC, you must carry professional indemnity insurance cover and adhere to an agreed Code of Professional Conduct, which has now become the profession's standard.
This translation association offers an independent arbitration service in cases of dispute between a client and a translation company, whether it is a member or not.
As the ATC represents the translation company sector of the profession, it can talk with authority to legislators about matters affecting the translation industry.
English is the official language of more countries than any other language and the second most spoken language in the world. Apart from England, English is spoken in New Zealand, the United States of America, Australia, Zimbabwe, the Caribbean, Hong Kong, South Africa and Canada. It is also the second language in a significant number of other countries.
Keep in mind that English has 508 million native speakers.
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