Translators Associations Europe: AICE
A national network of conference interpreters
Working for more than four decades now, the Spanish Association of Conference Interpreters (Asociación de Intérpretes de Conferencia de Espãna or AICE) is a professional non-profit organization that specializes in simultaneous and consecutive interpretation of languages in international events and meetings worldwide.
Born in Madrid, in 1968, AICE is an association of conference interpreters made up of a national network of over 80 professionals specializing in these particular fields.
The mission of this translators association covers the following goals: to ensure effective communication between participants in international meetings; ensure the s training and the
professional evolution of its members; defend the interests and the excellence of the profession in general; and inform and establish permanent communication with all those who are interested in the field of interpretation.
Why become a member
AICE runs a rigorous admissions process, which guarantees the quality of interpretation of all members, and a strict code of ethics that ensures confidentiality, and ethical responsibility to the client.
By belonging to such organization, you’re showing customers and partners that you live up to a high level of professionalism and, thus, their expectations.
The members of this translation association have both experience and expertise in a wide range of disciplines and business sectors, such as medicine, pharmacy, engineering, computer science, information technology, finance, culture, politics or biology, among others.
AICE’s members also have a deep knowledge of peculiarities and characteristics of the Spanish market and use terms, expressions, and a style guide adapted to Spanish culture and context.
If your point of view is that of a client, know that AICE provides comprehensive advice when choosing the team of interpreters, the mode of interpretation, the language combination or technical equipment according to the characteristics of your meeting, whether that event is in Spain or abroad.
So if you’re looking for advice on how to hire interpreting services and help in finding the best solution, contact AICE. For that end or to know more about this translators association, you can use the email address
AICE is also on Facebook and Twitter.
Keep in mind that Spain has 39,4 million inhabitants, but Spanish is also spoken in populous countries like Mexico, Colombia and Argentina.
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