Translators Association Europe: UTA

Certifying quality of translation and interpreting services in Ukraine

The Ukrainian Translators Association was founded in 1999Back in 1999, when the Ukrainian Translators Association (UTA) was founded, it was urgent to respond to the need of due quality of translation and interpreting services in Ukraine.

Every professional translator and customer needs information, legal, and technical assistance. It was with this in mind that this translators association,with a leading role in Ukraine, came to light.

In its activities, the Ukrainian Translators Association relies on domestic and international experience and strives to cooperate with organizations which unite translators and interpreters worldwide.

Its goals are to facilitate the development of the best standards of translation and interpreting and expand the visibility of these professions, protect the rights and interests of translators and interpreters (at home and abroad) and provide them certification, provide conditions for fair competition in Ukraine and promote experience sharing between translators and interpreters.

To have this knowledge exchange, the Ukrainian Translators Association holds science and practice seminars, conferences and other events. Check out the next conferences and seminars being organized by the Ukranian Translators Association.

Another area where the association works is in specifying consistent requirements applicable to rendering of translation and interpreting services. For that, it provides expert examination of translations.

If something goes wrong with a translators or an interpreters work, the Ukrainian Translators Association also works on the settlement of disputes between its members and their customers.

Providing certification

The Ukrainian Translators Association assures customers that their orders are fulfilled properly, that the translator/Interpreter hired by them has quality.

That’s why translators are only admitted as full members of UTA after they’ve passed the accreditation examination, a test held by a committee of major experts in the field of translation/interpreting.

As for interpreters, to become an UTA member one must have a certain number of hours interpreting and show recommendations of customers or UTA full members.

Groups of translators and interpreters, such as translation agencies or centers, get in by complying with UTA’s and international standards – read more about this in the association’s website.

Once you belong to the Ukrainian Translators Association, you’ll have to honor its code of ethics. You can see the members list on the website.

How to join UTA

The association has two membership categories: individual membership, for a an individual, and collective membership, for a translation company or agency.

A member can have three different status: independent member, for those who don’t not deal with translation on a professional basis; associated member, for professionals; and full member, for professionals residing in Ukraine, meeting UTA certification requirements and following UTA code of professional conduct.

Once you become a member, you’ll start receiving, like it happens with other members, the Bulletin of Ukrainian Translators Association, that is published by the Ukrainian Translators Association and shares internal and external information and experience.

Keep in mind that Ukrainian is the official language in Ukraine, a country with over 45 million inhabitants and where Russian is widely spoken as well.

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Read other Europe translators associations news.

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