Translators Associations Asia Pacific: HKTS

A registered charitable organization promoting education

Translators Associations Asia Pacific: HKTSThe Hong Kong Translation Society (HKTS) exists since 1971 and is a non-profit professional organization that aims to enhance the standard and professionalism of translation, both oral and written, in Hong Kong.
On the grounds of education promotion – the Hong Kong Translation Society is an academic society; therefore, it does not refer members or potential persons for commercial translation undertakings –, this translators association became a registered charitable organization with the Hong Kong Government in 1991, the year of its 20th anniversary.

It is wholly committed to its continual contribution to the cause of translation in Hong Kong, where high-level translators and interpreters continue to be in great demand. They have to if Hong Kong is to remain an effective bridge between China and the rest of the world and continue to play a major role in the international world of business and communication, as well as occupying a key position in South-East Asia.

For instance, to facilitate their work, the Society enjoys a tax exempt status granted by the Inland Revenue Department of Hong Kong under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance.


To provide opportunities for sharing and exchange, this translators association promotes talks and seminars on translation and language related themes and publishes regularly a bulletin, a refereed journal and a members' directory.

The Hong Kong Translation Society also sponsors scholarships – these were established in 1991 – as a way to recognize academic achievements of translation students and promote translation as a discipline in recognized local tertiary institutions.

The Society maintains close ties with both local and international translation bodies, attempting to promote academic and professional exchange between Hong Kong and other parts of the world.

This translation association is a member association of the Translators Association of China since 1986 and of the International Federation of Translators since 1988.


Fees go between HK$300.00 per year, for a student members, and HK$5,000.00 for life members (one-off payment). A part from these categories, there's the ordinary, the associate and the corresponding membership. There's also the fellows and the honorary fellows, but these are non-paying members. Check out the requirements for all of these categories on HHTS's website.

Keep in mind that over 1 billion people speak Mandarin. 

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