Translators Associations Africa: Mozambique

Mozambique: The country of the storyteller Mia Couto

Translators Associations Africa: MozambiqueMozambique, officially the Republic of Mozambique, is a country located on the east coast of southern Africa. This former colony and overseas province of Portugal won its independence on June 25, 1975.

As in Angola, although at a more timid rhythm, Mozambique is one of the destinations that companies that come from economies in crisis, such as Portugal, have in sight.

The country is renowned for its artists such as the painter Malangatana, but also its literature with Mia Couto leading the most famous Mozambican writers outside the country. And it has a percussion instrument that was classified as World Heritage: the Timbila.

Although Mozambique is a culturally interesting and rich territory, on its research, Lexis did not find associations of translators in Mozambique, which is not to say that there is an organization dedicated to translators and interpreters in the African country..

In its research, Lexis couldn't find any translators associations in Mozambique, which does not mean that there isn't an interpreters and translators association in the African country.

If you are aware of or responsible by any translators association in Mozambique, please send us details of your translation association using the email address

And if, by any chance, you are at this time joining forces to create an interpreters and translators association in Mozambique, please contact us so that Lexis can help you with its own experience.

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The other Portuguese-speaking African countries that make up the PALOP - former colonies of Portugal in Africa, which gained independence between 1973 and 1975 - are Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau and Sao Tome and Principe.

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Read other news about translators associations in Africa.

The English version of Lexis Translators Associations News is brought to you by AP | Portugal, a company specialized in translation and language services in English that works and collaborates with professionals and institutions your country. Lexis – Connections with meaning

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